Appearing Elsewhere: The $787b man; America’s biggest (political) loser; books on the end of empire

Links to three articles that I wrote in the last few months and am just now getting around to posting:

  • A profile of Ed DeSeve, the man Barack Obama tapped to administer the $787 billion stimulus fund. My conclusion after interviewing DeSeve: Obama found the right person for the job.
  • A review of a new biography of Henry Clay. I idolized Clay in 10th grade after writing a research paper on him, but it turns out my worship was misplaced. For all the power he attained, he remained fundamentally clueless about America.
  • There’s been a lot of talk lately about the decline of America. That prompted me to put together a guide to the best books about the end of empires. The article ran in the July issue of Bookmarks Magazine.